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    • 激光精密加工有哪些应用
    • 本站编辑:杭州立博ladbrokes钣金有限公司 浏览次数:


    With the increasing demand for high precision processing, the related precision processing technology has also developed rapidly, and precision laser cutting machine has also gained more and more recognition in the market.


    Precision laser cutting technology based on thin sheet has high precision, high speed, smooth and flat incision, and generally does not need follow-up processing; small heat-affected zone, small deformation of sheet metal; high processing accuracy, good repeatability, and no damage to the material surface. At present, there are more and more applications of precision processing, such as PCB board cutting, microelectronic circuit template precision cutting, glasses industry and jewelry industry.


    Laser precision machining has the following remarkable characteristics:


    1. 范围广泛:激光精密加工的对象范围很宽,包括几乎所有的金属材料和非金属材料;适于材料的烧结、打孔、打标、切割、焊接、表面改性和化学气相沉积等。而电解加工只能加工导电材料,光化学加工只适用于易腐蚀材料,等离子加工难以加工某些高熔点的材料。

    1. Wide range: laser precision processing has a wide range of objects, including almost all metal and non-metal materials; suitable for sintering, drilling, marking, cutting, welding, surface modification and chemical vapor deposition of materials. However, electrochemical processing can only process conductive materials, photochemical processing can only be applied to corrosive materials, and plasma processing is difficult to process some materials with high melting point.

    2. 准确细致:激光束可以聚焦到很小的尺寸,因而特别适合于精密加工。激光精密加工质量的影响因素少,加工精度高,在一般情况下均优于其它传统的加工方法。

    2. Precision and meticulousness: Laser beams can be focused to a very small size, so they are especially suitable for precision machining. Laser precision machining has few influence factors and high precision, which is superior to other traditional processing methods in general.

    3. 高速快捷:从加工周期来看,电火花加工的工具电极精度要求高、损耗大,加工周期较长;电解加工的加工型腔、型面的阴极模设计工作量大,制造周期亦很长;光化学加工工序复杂;而激光精密加工操作简单,切缝宽度方便调控,可立即根据电脑输出的图样进行高速雕刻和切割、加工速度快,加工周期比其它方法均要短。

    3. High-speed and fast: from the point of view of processing cycle, EDM tool electrodes require high precision, large loss and long processing cycle; electrochemical processing of the cavity, surface cathode die design workload, manufacturing cycle is also long; photochemical processing process is complex; and laser precision processing operation is simple, slit width is easy to adjust. Controlled, can immediately according to the computer output patterns for high-speed engraving and cutting, processing speed, processing cycle is shorter than other methods.

    4. 安全可靠:激光精密加工属于非接触加工,不会对材料造成机械挤压或机械应力;相对于电火花加工、等离子弧加工,其热影响区和变形很小,因而能加工十分微小的零部件。

    4. Safety and reliability: Laser precision processing belongs to non-contact processing, which does not cause mechanical extrusion or mechanical stress to materials; compared with EDM and plasma arc processing, its heat affected zone and deformation are very small, so it can process very small parts.

    5. 成本低廉:不受加工数量的限制,对于小批量加工服务,激光加工更加便宜。对于大件产品的加工,大件产品的模具制造费用很高,激光加工不需任何模具制造,而且激光加工完全避免材料冲剪时形成的塌边,可以大幅度地降低企业的生产成本提高产品的档次。

    5. Low cost: no limit on the number of processing, for small batch processing services, laser processing is cheaper. For the processing of large products, the cost of die manufacturing is very high, laser processing does not need any die manufacturing, and laser processing completely avoids the collapse of material punching and shearing, which can greatly reduce the production cost of enterprises and improve the product grade.

    6. 切割缝细小:激光切割的割缝一般在0.1-0.2mm。

    6. Fine cutting seam: Laser cutting seam is usually 0.1-0.2 mm.

    7. 切割面光滑:激光切割的切割面无毛刺。

    7. Smooth cutting surface: laser cutting surface without burrs.

    8. 热变形小:激光加工的激光割缝细、速度快、能量集中,因此传到被切割材料上的热量小,引起材料的变形也非常小。

    8. Small thermal deformation: Laser cutting is thin, fast and energy-intensive, so the heat transferred to the material being cut is small and the deformation of the material is very small.

    9. 节省材料:激光加工采用电脑编程,可以把不同形状的产品进行材料的套裁,比较大限度地提高材料的利用率,大大降低了企业材料成本。

    9. Save material: Laser processing using computer programming, can be different shapes of products for material tailoring, to maximize the utilization of materials, greatly reducing the cost of enterprise materials.

    10. 非常适合新产品的开发:一旦产品图纸形成后,马上可以进行激光加工,你可以在比较短的时间内得到新产品的实物。

    10. Very suitable for the development of new products: once the product drawings are formed, laser processing can be carried out immediately, and you can get the products in the shortest time.


    Generally speaking, laser precision machining technology has many advantages over traditional processing methods, and its application prospect is very broad.
